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The Handback Summit 2022

The Handback Summit 2022

P3 Bulletin’s 2022 International Handback Summit featured two sessions with Anser Advisory. Adam Shaw, Josh Lalonde, and Alex Hilgeman provided the North American perspective on topics such as Planning for Handback During Procurement and International Expiry Best Practice.

Planning for Handback During Procurement and International Expiry Best Practice

Topics discussed during the Planning for Handback session included:

  • Why it is important to plan for the end of the contract from the start
  • Ways to embed the expiry process into procurement contracts
  • Best practices for managing the relationship over the lifetime of the contract
  • When to start gearing up for project expiry

The International Expiry Best Practices session covered the following areas:

  • A closer look at the international expiry landscape
  • What can we learn from the more mature markets of UK, Canada and Australia
  • Applying lessons learnt to the US market
  • Operational management best practices to gear up for a smooth transition

With nearly 400 delegates attending the conference, it was an exciting opportunity to share our team’s P3 expertise around what a successful handback looks like. Whether it’s finding the ‘sweet spot’ in procurement terms or knowing that handback is a phase not a milestone, Anser emphasized strong relationship management and clearly defined accountability are key. Enjoy sessions 5 & 7 paneled by Anser Advisory and see resources below.


Watch the full Summit video
Planning for Handback During Procurement (PDF file)

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